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V I S U A L I Z Z A    D I S C U S S I O N E
Kingang Inserito il - 26 ottobre 2020 : 09:38:38
There is not anything wrong with spending $60 on a game every year if you're spending 300+ hours enjoying it. Many gamers do not realize the amount of console sales which take place is quite high just because of its specific purpose to play one or two annualized franchises. For the individual who buys two matches annually for example Madden and NBA2K every year, $60x2 for the hours and hours of time put into these matches, the worth is super large. The populace of people who fall within that category are not on r/Games whining about microtransactions and shit like that. They probably don't even have a reddit account.

I watched an interview for a few of the earlier call of responsibility annualized games (like contemporary warfare 3 or more so), and the developers essentially said that normal players (those individuals who play halo,killzone, battle along with other shooters) do not buy call of duty games. Nearly all people who perform call of duty is only going to purchase Cod and a sports game. And they will do this religiously every year. I've heard this subset known as Brogamers--kind of the antithesis to people that just play with The Sims/Animal Crossing but in the end it's a similar spending pattern. Entirely agree with you and this interview from back in the afternoon (individual time is flying ). Bro Perhaps you have played a Madden game lately? They're fucking terrible! It is objectively a terribly created game.

The madden criticism which surfaced has nothing to do with your remark. Its an increasing group of individuals who wish to play a good football game, but Ea keeps promoting them the same game without upgrading the engine. This group needs the nfl to either give out several cases of likeness rights or sell them exclusively to another company that would hopefully create a better game. Not surprising. That is why EA does not have to bother ever enhancing anything in the majority of their modes or repairing any bugs that have been there for several years. People will buy it no matter whales will dump a lot of money into MUT. 2k has similar problems and the microtransaction material is gross but at the very least that's great gameplay and high tier presentation and they still put in a bit more effort. Sports game just have an entirely different demographics to games such as Witcher 3 and CIV.

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