Musica Siciliana e Tradizioni Popolari

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 LEVELS 15-33. Ruby harvest.

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V I S U A L I Z Z A    D I S C U S S I O N E
Veiveismart Inserito il - 02 aprile 2021 : 08:46:03

LEVELS 15-33. Ruby harvest. You'll be searching for Ruby Harvest Colours using butterfly mesh and butterfly jar. To locate them simply head a few steps south-east where you may see paw icon on the map. Every time you catch a butterfly which you put them into a jar. Be certain that you bring with you couple of bird snares to keep on catching Copper Longtails and stock full of jars as occasionally they might break.

LEVELS 33-37. Barb tailed kebbits. This method does not expect a noose wand. You'll be cutting down trees and creating deadfall traps with logs. These traps can be set in specific locations near boulders. Similarly to the previous method bring with you few bird snares since you'll be also able to grab Crimson Swifts flying around the area.

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